Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back to hair

I've made clothing for the past two months. I know I've only made 5 outfits I think it is but I'm really slow at it. I just finished putting some stuff up on Onrez and now this weekend I will begin some more hair adventures. I don't know what to do with all of the hair in the store now. There is just so little room now. I would hate to just remove old hair. I really would like to keep the old hair and discount some more of them since the newer hair is always improved and better.

So if anyone has any requests this is the time because I'm currently looking for ideas. I think I'm going to experiment more with sculpts and see what I can do with them as far as making more curls with prims. Some of the hair I've made the past year uses a lot of alpha prims. I think I would like to try to mix standard not flex prims with alpha prims a bit more and see if it can look better even more than before.

So much to think about. I start working on hair tomorrow night. Hopefully it doesn't take much to get back into the groove. The last style I made was Christina and that has done wonderfully and received many great comments. thank you all. I really do try to be creative by doing new things and trying to be so perfectionate. Ok, I made a new word that doesn't exist. It's my blog!
Later and enjoy more hair soon!

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