Saturday, October 16, 2010


I think this is the 4th style for men I've ever made. I thought I would try something new again. It is built with all sculpts, no flexy. It will also require a tattoo layer hair base, which I will put into all of the boxes with this hair.

The hair is 157 prims. That's quite a bit, but there are only 4 sculpts and 2 hair textures to load.

Each sculpted prim is split into 7 pieces (157x7). So it may actually look like there are over 1000 pieces of hair. While not perfect, it is certainly a step in the right direction for more realistic looking male hair at my store.

Last thing about this hair, please try the demo. This hair sits rather close to the sculpt and some shapes will not be able to fit in this style. :(

I'll probably price this at 220L and 800L for the mega pack. This will include the tattoo hair base. If your viewer doesn't support the tattoo layer yet, do yourself a favor and get one. :-)

Thanks for looking.

I may be hiding for a while working on Mesh Hair on the beta viewer. I can't wait.
